Although I am no sort of expert on the Napoleonic Wars, but I do share the common wargamers' attitude that I have a working knowledge on most periods of history to some degree. This I have decided, is not quite enough to pin down exactly what are the elements of Napoleonic warfare that I want to reflect in wargames of the period. So I am just going to have to do some research...
This project is largely miniatures led, which does limit the theatres and years that it is possible to game at the moment. The TAG Austrians are for the peiod 1800 - 1809 and this does coincide with the most elegant period of Napoleonic uniforms (IMHO) The French army won some of its greatest victories and was arguably at the peak of its military capabilities. Before I can decide which rules will give me the sort of game that I want to play I have to consider what level of combat I want to portray, from skirmish games up to grand tactical manouevring.
My first port of call was to my own collection of books. They are mostly uniform references but I do have a few general histories and some more in depth analysis. My initial reading list consists of:
"Austerlitz" by Christopher Duffy
"Art of Warfare in the Age of Napoleon" by Gunter Rothenberg
Hopefullly I will have my thoughts in line after perusing those, or at least know where I have to enquire next.